Christien Marshall

Christien Marshall from Membertou First Nation has paved the way for many Mi’kmaq youth on a national level of baseball.

Christien was one of the first Mi’kmaw youth to ever make it to a Canadian little league national championship at the age of 13.

Christien has been to 6 Canadian national championships and he was also the first Mi’kmaq youth to ever win a Canadian Baseball National Title. This achievement sent him to compete with his team in the Big World Series.

Christien has since hung up his cleats, but after losing his mom in 2019, he has recently carried out his moms’ wishes and that was to give back his love for baseball. This year, he took on the role of Head Coach and manager of the Atlantic U13 intermediate team and placed 3rd in Canada overall in Vancouver, ВС.

Christien’s love of the game of baseball continues as a player and now as a coach.

Mi’kmaq Sports Hall of Fame